Basque and Spanish Castilian Voice Overs for «Enozentrum»

Logotipo Enozentrum

At Sudurgorri Vocal Studio we have been in charge of recording the Basque and Spanish voiceovers for some of the audiovisual pieces that can be enjoyed at the center. For this we have counted on the voice of Monika Erdozia, a Basque voiceover artist with an extensive experience in dubbing in Basque and Spanish, and Iker Bengotxea, who has also been in charge of coordination and management.

On October 3, 2022, the Regional Minister of Rural Development and Environment, Itziar Gómez, inaugurated ‘Enozentrum’, the Center of Wine Culture of Navarra, in Olite / Erriberri. The Department of Rural Development and Environment has invested 546,000 euros for the implementation of this new center that expands the concept of the old wine museum, renews its audiovisual content and will open its doors to visitors on weekends and holidays thanks to the hiring of a person.

If you come to Olite, do not hesitate to visit the new “Enozentrum”.

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Sudurgorri Vocal Studio


After a long time with the idea in our crazy heads, finally, Izaskun Zurutuza Pérez and Iker Bengotxea Goya, we present in this website our

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Sudurgorri Vocal Studio


After a long time with the idea in our crazy heads, finally, Izaskun Zurutuza Pérez and Iker Bengotxea Goya, we present in this website our

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